
Psychological thriller opening sequence reflection and updates.

Today we as a group were planning out and brainstorming ideas for our opening scene, we took each of our ideas and combined them together so each of our ideas were chosen. Mary's idea of a women with a secret life we incorporated this idea into my idea of the evil group, by making the protaginist of the story become part of this "group".

We took our inspiration for our opening sequence from the film opening sequence for 'se7en'. My group and I feel that this is our favourite opening scene as it keeps the audience on their toes as there is constantly that sense of confusion as the audience is left with many questions.

My group and I after brainstorming each of our ideas have decided on a title name for our opening sequence, we have decided on the word Vigilance. We decided this name as the meaning of this name is "To keep careful watch for possible danger/difficulties". This is relevant to our storyline as the character will have to face many dangerous moments in the film when she finds out about the 'society', therefore we thought this would be effective as it is almost foreshadowing that the girl is in great danger and should keep a careful watch out.

When making our storyboards we had too make sure we made them as detailed as we could. Due to our original ideas of having many short shots throughout our opening sequence, we knew we would have to have many story boards with each of these different shots upon.

My group and I filmed in Apex park as researched in my location page. We didnt completely stick to our storyboards as we added in some shots which we thought would look good at the time.

We started the editing process and spent many hours after lessons making sure that our opening sequence was up to the standard that we wanted it. We have all contributed to the editing process, each learning things about Imovie (the editing programme we used) each time. For example in the most recent editing that I did, from Imovie I learnt that you can actually crop your shot to the size you want it so if there is anything in the background that isnt needed in the shot you can crop the shot down so it isnt shown. I did this by, due to Apex being a residental area there are many houses/flats around, in one of our shots the houses were shown but I managed to crop the houses out so that our location still looked more abandoned and further showing the themes of a pysicological thriller.

Today we finished editing our opening sequence and overall we are all very pleased with it, we have already uploaded it onto youtube and put it up onto our blogs.

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